Friday, December 13, 2019

How to Take Breaks in a Job Search

How to Take Breaks in a Job SearchHow to Take Breaks in a Job Search2Feel like you can barely keep your eyes open to read anotlageher company profile? Ready to bite your spouses head off for simply asking how your day went? Thinking of applying for a position in a vets office even though youre allergic to animals? When red flags signal exhaustion, frustration, or poor judgement, do yourself a favor and take a breakDiligent job searchers often throw themselves full throttle into a hunt and worry that stepping away will waste valuable time. But everyone needs periods to mentally and physically refresh in order to maintain optimism and productivity.Consider these ideas to take breaks in a job search without losing momentumPlan breaks into your day.A proper lunch is not optional, so put it on your to-do list every day. (No, a bag of Doritos eaten in front of the computer doesnt count.) Likewise, schedule in a block or two for fresh air and movement, whether that means walking the dog or puttering in the garden. Both your brain and your back will thank you. Breaks provide fuel to keep going, so give them an actual place on your schedule to ensure they dont get overlooked.Or consider this strategy from Denise Dudley, author of Work It Get In, Get Noticed, Get Promoted.Divide your day up into scheduled mini-breaks. (The trick here is to stick to the schedule, though.) Work like crazy for one hour- searching for job opportunities on the Internet, sending out letters of inquiry, whatever- and then take a one-hour break. One hour on, one hour off, on, off, throughout the day. Many people find that their productivity and work output during the one hour on stint is much greater than if they simply sat at their desks for an entire two-hour period.Respect days off.Job hunts often get compared to full-time employment because of the time and energy required. Remember, however, that workers generally dont perform seven days a week- and neither should you.Most work schedules (at least in the U.S.) are divided into weekdays and weekends. And this five on, two off method is one that seems to work- in great part, because its familiar to us- so I suggest that job seekers continue to follow this pattern. Dudley says.She notes, however, that the restorative wonders of two days off come only when off really means off- not wandering over to the laptop and clicking around. Spend time with your family, visit an out-of-town friend, head to the movies, or whatever else makes you feel recharged.Use breaks as incentive.Lastly, consider the behavioral psychology trick of boosting productivity by holding out the promise of a break as a reward. As Dudley explainsYou say, As soon as Ive spent two hours reworking my resume, Im going to call a friend and go out for a beer. Or, After Ive spent the next two days sending out individualized titelseite letters to my targeted list of employers, Im headed off to go camping for the next few days. This way, the break is already built into the overall plan. Youknowa break is forthcoming, which keeps your spirits up, and youre less likely to become discouraged or burned out.Know someone looking for a job? Refer a friend to with this link- youll get a month free service and theyll get 30% off

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